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Liz Bahs

Liz Bahs is a poet and academic who lectures in Creative Writing and English Literature at University of Surrey. Recent projects include solo and collaborative residencies at the Hambidge Center for Creative Arts and Sciences (USA) as Writer-in Residence in 2018 and 2019. She is a member of an international multi-narrative research group, and has given papers at conferences including the International Conference on Narrative, and Corroding the Now: Poetry + Science / Science Fiction (2019). Her pamphlet, Greyhound Night Service (Maquette Press, 2018) is a sequence of haibun based around her fascination with the Chassahowitzka River in Florida.

The poems in Stay Bones come from her experience as an American living in Britain, a country that opened its doors to her at the edge of adulthood. Her poetry has been widely published in international magazines and journals. She writes poetry reviews for Frogmore Press and blogs about writing at:


Liz Bahs




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